【問題】socioeconomic drought ?推薦回答

關於「socioeconomic drought」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

A case study of the East River basin in China - ResearchGate。

2017年11月16日 · Fourth, the SEDI value of each socioeconomic drought event can be calculated through integrating the impacts of water shortage and drought ...。

Drought indices: aggregation is necessary or is it only the ...。

2021年6月3日 · From the research, four major types of drought are classified as meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, and socioeconomic droughts ...。

Socioeconomic Drought in a Changing Climate: Modeling and ...。

Drought is typically defined based on meteorological, hydrological and land surface conditions. However, in many parts of the world, anthropogenic changes ...: 。

Multi-Dimensional Drought Assessment in Abbay/Upper Blue Nile ...。

The 1984 and 2015 droughts were some of the severe drought years in the basin that affected the socioeconomic sectors and annual water budget. UBN is the major ...。

[PDF] Iran's Socio-economic Drought: Challenges of a Water-Bankrupt ...。

2016年12月7日 · Iran is currently experiencing serious water problems. Frequent droughts coupled with over-abstraction of surface and groundwater through a ...: 。

Types of Drought。

Meteorological Drought · Agricultural Drought · Hydrological Drought · Socioeconomic Drought · Ecological Drought · Contact · News · Follow Us ...: 。

Droughts | Annual Review of Environment and Resources。

2008年11月21日 · In reality droughts are socioenvironmental phenomena, produced by admixtures of climatic, hydrological, environmental, socioeconomic, and ...。

The asymmetric impact of global warming on US drought types and ...。

2017年7月19日 · Agricultural and hydrological droughts are projected to become more ... socioeconomic drought: A case study in the Heihe River Basin.。

Fire Ecology and Management: Past, Present, and Future of US ...。

Touchan R, Swetnam TW, Grissino-Mayer HD (1995) Effects of livestock grazing ... Valuing chaparral: ecological, socioeconomic, and management perspectives.。

Crop Stress Management and Global Climate Change。

Borrell, A.K., Hammer, G.L. and Douglas, A.C.L. (2000a) Does maintaining green leaf area in sorghum improve yield under drought?

常見socioeconomic drought問答
